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Three Insulation Misconceptions

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The amount and condition of the insulation that is found in your home is an important factor. While insulation can be essential, it is common for homeowners to have a weak understanding about this material. When this is the case, they will find that there are myths and misconceptions that can prove to be very misleading.

Myth: It Is Too Expensive To Install Additional Insulation

For those that own older homes, it can be a common situation to find that the house was under-insulated. This can result in the home's interior not being as comfortable as it otherwise could be due to drafts, which can cause higher than necessary energy bills. While adding more insulation can help to address these matters, homeowners will often be hesitant about making this upgrade to their property. This can be due to a belief that the costs of making this change will simply be too great. Luckily, the process of adding insulation to an area of the home is relatively simple, and will usually be completed in only a day or two for minimal costs. Furthermore, the savings that can come from the improved energy efficiency can make this investment profitable in its own right.

Myth: Insulation Is Only Added To The Attic

Another assumption about insulation is that it will only need to be added to the attic. While the attic and roof are among the more major areas of the home for heat loss or gain, there are other areas of the home that can also benefit from insulation. For example, any exterior wall can benefit from being properly insulated. Additionally, having insulation under the floors can be another area that benefits from proper insulation.

Myth: All Types Of Insulation Are The Same

Due to the fact that most homeowners will have little experience working with insulation, ti can be easy to assume that all types of insulation are largely the same. Yet, there can be tremendous variation in the effectiveness of the different types of insulation along with the installation procedures. An example of this can be spray foam insulation. This material can be easily installed behind walls and floors due to it being able to be injected into these difficult to reach areas. If you are considering adding insulation to your home, you may want to retain a professional contractor to perform an energy audit of the structure. This audit will provide them with enough information so that they can recommend a particular type of insulation along with the areas of the home that are most in need of this upgrade.

Contact a company like Eager Beaver Handyman Services for more help.
