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Three Signs That It May Be Time To Replace Your Bathtub

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A plumber can help you replace your water appliances and water fixtures. One of the fixtures that is often forgotten about, but may need to be replaced eventually, is your bathtub. There are a number of reasons why you may need to replace your bathtub. Here are a few of the signs that now is the perfect time to do so.

Your Bathtub Has Cracks or Leakage Problems

The top sign that it is time to replace your bathtub is cracking or leakage problems. Unfortunately, you may not realize that your bathtub has a crack in it until you notice water seeping out the bottom of the bathtub. You may notice puddles of water on the side of the bathtub after it has been filled, or if your bathtub is on a second story, you may notice water staining or leakage on the ceiling below the bathtub. In some cases, cracks can become so prominent over time that you can see or feel them. If the bathtub is leaking or has cracks, it needs to be replaced.

There Are Visible Water or Mildew Stains

Another sign that you may need to replace your bathtub is seeing visible water, soap, or mildew stains in the tub. As the tub ages, it can get harder and harder to remove dirt, soap scum, and other residue, as a lot of the porcelain or enamel has worn off. Some types of tubs can be re-coated, but this can be costly. If you have an older tub that simply looks old, stained, and run down, it may be time to think about replacing the tub.

You Want to Change the Style of Bathtub in Your Space

The final sign that it may be time to replace your bathtub is simply wanting a change. You may want to change from a traditional bathtub to a walk-in bathtub for safety reasons or to allow yourself to age in place in your home. Or you may want to change from a standard bathtub sold in your home to a more modern claw foot tub or more relaxing Jacuzzi tub. If you are remodeling your space or simply want a different style of bathtub installed, a plumber can help you remove the old tub and install the new one.

Whether you are looking to change out your bathtub for aesthetic reasons or functional reasons, plumbers can help you to select a new bathtub for your space and install it. Contact a professional today if you are contemplating replacing your bathtub.
