Spring Home Renovation Project

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Use Landscaping Materials to Enhance Your Property Over the Holidays

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Viewing wild creatures as they prepare for the winter or enjoying the twinkling lights or freshly-fallen snow that encompasses your yard may be what you fondly recall from years that have passed. Add a bit of warmth to your property this holiday season, by using landscaping materials to highlight the parts of your property that you enjoy spending time in.

A Fire Pit

A store-bought or homemade fire pit will warm you and your loved ones up during chilly evenings and will add a rustic touch to your back yard. Rake and bag leaves where the pit will be added and use logs, to create a seating area that surrounds the pit.

Greenery, including potted evergreens or garland strands, can be used to accent the outer edges of the seating area. If you tend to chop wood to use in your fireplace, small logs can be used to feed the flames that are emitted from the pit. Stack logs neatly beside your garage or another structure that is near the pit, to provide easy access to the kindling.

Some Colorful Walkways

If you are conscientious about clearing pavement for your guests to walk across and would like to dissuade people from walking across your lawn, landscaping lights that are intertwined with festive decor will highlight the areas that are designated for walking upon. Use a trellis to highlight the beginning of each walkway and wrap colorful light strands around the poles that encompass each feature.

Seek outdoor lighting installation advice from a landscaping or general contractor. Purchase ground lighting, which contains stakes that can be pushed into the earth and LED bulbs, to draw attention to the length of each walkway. Purchase mulch and use it to create a border on each side of a paved surface. Sprigs of holly or evergreen branches can be draped across surfaces, to add a little bit of holiday cheer to the property.

A Welcoming Facade

The front porch is what your guests or family members will view when they first approach your property. Clean the siding, railings, steps, or other features that make up the porch or the front of your home. Secure colorful light strands around the front and sides of the porch. Trim trees or bushes that are growing along the front of your property. Use ornaments to decorate each natural feature. Then, add mulch or landscaping rocks around the base of each tree or bush. Hang a wreath from a hook that is secured to your home's front door.
