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Why You May Want To Replace Windows

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Sometimes installing new windows in your home is a matter of preference. However, most times, there is something that pushes you to make that decision. Some reasons why people decide to have windows replaced include some of the following: 

Water is an issue for the house, as well as some windows

Your windows have quite a few jobs, and one big job they have is to keep the water out of your home properly. If water is coming inside the house, then this can lead to water damage and mold. Also, some windows are susceptible to water damage, and they can rot as well. 

Wood can be a good material for windows, but it is also an example of one you have to watch closely as the years go by to avoid problems from water. Other types of windows, such as vinyl, aren't susceptible to water damage themselves, but you will still need to watch for water getting in the house. Replacing the windows when there is a threat of water is important when it comes to staying proactive. 

Drafts can be a big concern

You need to make sure you don't have drafty windows. Drafty windows can make it hard for you to achieve a comfortable temperature throughout the house. It also causes the heating and air conditioning to come on more often, stay on longer, and experience more wear as it struggles to meet the temperature demands for the home. 

You can often feel the draft coming in when standing near the windows. If you aren't sure if there is a draft, then you can light a candle and walk around the home. The flame will show you where the drafts are by blowing around. Having good quality windows that are double-paned will really help with the home efficiency. 

Fading can be a real problem

Daily exposure to UV rays that come into the living space through the windows can cause a lot of damage throughout the home. The walls, the flooring, and the furniture can all fade as time goes on. If you have expensive artwork on the walls, then be aware that it can also be significantly damaged due to this fading. 

You can have new windows installed throughout your home that feature protection from this type of fading. They can come with a protective layer that helps stop the UV rays from penetrating through the glass of the windows, so your home will look great much longer and require less work such as repainting, replacing the flooring, and replacing furniture.

For more information, contact a local company, like Leger Siding.
