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The 5 Factors That Most Affect Roofing Projects

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Whether you're looking at a roofing installation or repair job, several factors will affect its outcome. These factors will influence the costs in terms of time, labor, and money. Before you ask a roofer about a project, you should learn about these 5 key factors.


The grade of a roof strongly influences how challenging a job is probably going to be. Working on a flat roof is generally safer, and it usually involves less equipment. If you are building a house and don't need a sloped roof to protect the structure from snow loads, you may want to plan a light grade to make the roof installation process cheaper and simpler.


Dormers, eaves, peaks, and valleys make roof repair and installation efforts tougher. The same goes for when a roofing team has to deal with skylights, chimneys, vent pipes, and other attached elements. A roofer has to work around these features and make sure all the seams are tight. If they leave a gap somewhere, you might end up with leak issues that could cost you money down the road. That calls for more time and attention.

Choice of Materials

Some roofing materials are easier to work with than others. Shingles, especially asphalt products, are popular for a reason. Bear in mind, too, many roofers will entirely avoid working with specialized materials like metal. If you go that direction, you can expect a more specialized company to charge more for its services.

Time of Year

Even in regions where the weather is relatively temperate throughout the year, the month matters. Weather is an issue in all but the driest areas. Also, the length of the day will vary. There is a good reason why roofing season takes place in the summer in even warm states. Jobs take time, and daylight is always at a premium when you're trying to get things done.

Roof Condition

The state of a roof is a big deal. If you have a bare structure ready for a roofing installation project, that's a simpler undertaking than dealing with roof repair issues in general.

On the repair side of the ledger, a contractor has to think about safety and equipment when a roof is in bad shape. Patching a hole where a tree limb busted through an otherwise sturdy roof is a different proposition than repairing a structure saddlebacked by moisture destroying the underlying beams.

For more information, contact a roof repair service near you.
