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Installing New Siding For Your Home's Exterior

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Upgrading the siding of your home can be one improvement project that you may want to pursue. While siding is an extremely dependable option and an attractive solution, it is something that a homeowner may not have given much thought to, which can lead to them having some important questions before they will be able to commit to making this improvement to the home.

Are All Siding Products Made Of Vinyl?

There is an assumption from some individuals that all siding products will be made of vinyl. While vinyl is one of the more common materials to use when adding new siding to a home, it is far from the only material that is available. For example, it is also common for people to use fiber cement for exterior siding. This option can provide an attractive look, but it will typically be much stronger than vinyl siding as well as have better noise-absorbing qualities.

Is Siding Durable During Strong Storms?

Strong storms can be one of the most damaging events that can occur to your property. Due to the fact that siding may be installed over the home's existing exterior, some individuals may conclude that this means that the siding will be far more vulnerable to suffering failures or even being torn from the home during storms. However, siding is designed and installed so that it can be capable of resisting both high winds and minor impacts from storm debris. As a result, the installation of siding can actually help to protect the home against some of the minor damage that storms can cause to the exterior of the house.

What Is Involved With Cleaning A Home With Siding?

Your home's exterior will have to be cleaned at regular intervals to keep the house looking attractive. Vinyl and fiber cement siding can be two of the materials that will be the easiest for a person to keep clean. This can be due to the fact that these materials will not be prone to discoloration or color fading. When cleaning these surfaces, a person will simply need to use a pressure washer that will be capable of removing the dirt from the exterior. Due to the fact that the siding will not have a coat of paint on it, there will not be a risk of the water jet stripping away the exterior paint. Additionally, the moisture barrier behind the siding will prevent the water from getting trapped against the home's exterior. 

For more info about siding, contact a local company. 
