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3 Circumstances When It's Imperative To Invest In Stucco Repair

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Your stucco is vital because it gives your home a unique and elegant look, increasing its market value. It is also resistant to fire, protecting your home in case of a fire outbreak and saving you money. Thus, you should always inspect and maintain it to help it last a long time. However, your stucco might get damaged if exposed to water or poorly installed. For example, vibrations, water damage, or stress might cause your stucco to crumble, ruining its beauty and efficiency. Therefore, it is wise to hire stucco contractors to inspect and offer the right solutions to your issues before they worsen. Below are three circumstances when it is imperative to invest in stucco repair. 

1. When Your Stucco Begins to Discolor

If your stucco is in perfect condition, it should always retain its color. Thus, you should act faster when you notice discoloration on your stucco because it might indicate a problem. Moisture trapped underneath your stucco might trigger this issue. If ignored, the discoloration might reduce the appearance of your stucco, making your home look unkempt. Hence, it is imperative to invest in stucco repair when you notice this sign. It will help fix the moisture issue, allowing your stucco to maintain its color.

2. When You See Cracks on Your Stucco

Cracks, whether big or small, are one of the major signs that it is time to call a stucco contractor. Heavy impact, poor installation, water intrusion, or pests and insects in your stucco may cause this issue. For example, a lawn mower might hit your stucco, causing it to crack. These cracks might become big, reducing your home's structural integrity if neglected. Thus, it is wise to contact stucco contractors to repair the cracks as soon as you notice this sign. 

3. When You See Moss Growing on Your Stucco

As a homeowner, you should act faster when you notice moss growing on your stucco to avoid more issues. The presence of moisture on your stucco may cause this concern. If ignored, it might expose your loved ones to health concerns or reduce the curb appeal of your property. Therefore, when you notice this sign, you should contact stucco contractors to eliminate the moss. 

Stains on your stucco also indicate that it is time to call experienced contractors. Therefore, you should invest in stucco repair when you see any of the above concerns to stop the damage and avoid more expenses.
